Construction Updates

The construction of our new Community Center is underway! Stay up to date on all construction updates here.

Weekly Lent Services

Wednesdays at 6:30pm
March 12th thru April 9th

Join us Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting March 12th for weekly Lenten worship services. The focus is on “Teach us to pray”, using the Lord’s Prayer as a framework for growing in our prayer life. We’ll have a message and worship music, and a portion of the time will be set aside for group conversation and discussion. Visit the Lent & Easter page for other Lent resources such as a 40-day Bible reading plan and ways to serve.

Discover Thanksgiving

Sunday, March 16th
12:00 - 1:30pm

Are you new to Thanksgiving or do you have questions about our church?

Join us for Discover Thanksgiving, a gathering designed to educate you about the history of Thanksgiving, our core values, and mission. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions about our identity. This event will be in-person on Sunday, March 16th at noon in our South Campus Office Building with a light lunch hosted by our Community Life and Connections & Care Director. Click here to register.

Join Our Online Community

Stay connected with the Thanksgiving community on Facebook and Instagram! Follow us here:
Facebook: Thanksgiving Church and request to join our Group Thanksgiving Church Group
Instagram: thanksgiving_church

Faith Milestones

Explorers Faith Milestones bring families together for a one-time class to learn about God’s presence through the various stages of our children’s lives. Milestone classes and presentations are attended by children (Kindergarten through Sixth Grade) and their parents/significant adults. Click here for more details and to register your child for their Faith Milestones

Journey Coaching

Discover your unique talents through our 90-minute coaching session. We focus our time around something we call “authentic affirmation”—meaning we walk you through a process of self-discovery to understand more fully the positive ways that you impact your family, friends, workplace and community.  Take Your First Step in Journey Coaching
Questions, contact Laurie Piper

Thanksgiving Logowear

Thanksgiving Logowear:  Add the Thanksgiving logo to your choice of apparel. Purchase your Thanksgiving logowear here.


Join the Worship &
Tech Arts Team

IN/FUSE is the onboarding process from our Worship Arts ministry that equips for you for the Worship Team and Technical Arts Team! If you’ve ever been interested in the worship or tech at Thanksgiving, contact Scott Pfender

IN/FUSE walks you through the process and even pairs you with a coach from each Team to help equip you. There are many opportunities in our Worship Arts ministry so go check ‘em out! Click HERE for more information about the IN/FUSE process.