Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace. These titles from Isaiah 9:6 describe the Savior who is to come, Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God in human flesh. For people looking and hoping for the Messiah, these names describe what they can expect Him to be like.

Events Calendar

December 8th | Explorers Christmas Program
“A Charlie Brown Christmas”
2:00pm | Worship Center

December 15th | Christmas Cantata
“Bless the Name of Jesus”
8:30 & 10:30am | Worship Center

December 24th | Christmas Eve Services
3:00, 5:00, & 7:00pm | Contemporary
9:00 & 11:00pm | Traditional
*Nursery Available at 3:00pm, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm
7:00 & 9:00pm will both be On-Campus & Online
All Services will be in the Worship Center

December 25th | Christmas Day
No Services - Enjoy the day with family and friends!

December 22nd through January 4th
Explorers & NextGen Christmas Break
Resumes January 5th

December 31st | New Years Eve
Church Office Closed
Enjoy the day with family & friends!

January 1st | New Years Day
Church Office Closed
Enjoy the day with family & friends!

See below for more details on individual events and serving opportunities


Christmas Eve Volunteers

We would love to have your smiling face on Christmas Eve to help with welcoming and assisting our Guests. Please consider serving at one service and attending another.

Christmas Cantata
”Bless the Name of Jesus”
Sunday, December 15th | 8:30am & 10:30am

Our Annual Christmas Cantata will be on Sunday, December 15th during the 8:30 and 10:30am Worship Services in the Worship Center. This year's cantata is titled "Bless the Name of Jesus" The Heritage Choir accompanied by a 30 - piece orchestra, will explore the many different names of Jesus throughout scripture, glorifying His name as we explore the meaning and significance of Jesus Christ given to us as a baby for our salvation.


Advent Devotional

We invite you and your family to journey into this season with this Advent Devotional, His Name Shall Be Called, meant to help you focus on the coming Messiah. Take time to ponder these short devotions featuring Scripture, a short message, and a prayer throughout the season of Advent as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the arrival of this child - the infant Jesus, laid in a manger, loved by Mary and Joseph, worshiped by shepherds and wise men.

Devotional is available at the Church Office. It is also available for purchase on Amazon or Apple Books.


Explorers Christmas Program
”A Charlie Brown Christmas”
Sunday, December 8th | 2:00pm

Come enjoy the heartwarming Christmas Classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” presented by our Club 56 & Explorers Students at 2:00pm on Sunday, December 8th in the Worship Center. Following the program stay for cookies and hot chocolate.


Serving Opportunities

Bellevue Together
Hands of Hope Christmas

Dec. 12th-14th | Distribution Event
Details & Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for a way to give back this season? We are partnering with Bellevue Together for Hands of Hope again this year in serving 165 Bellevue Public Schools families. Volunteers are needed to help at the drive through for distribution December 12th-14th. Click here for volunteer opportunities.


Lift Up Sarpy County
Holiday Assistance
December 12th-14th
Volunteer Opportunities

Each year partners from all across the community come together to organize a one-day holiday assistance event for those in need. This year the event takes place on Saturday, December 14th from 7:30am-12:30pm at Bellevue Christian Center (1400 Harvell Drive). Volunteers, ages 12 and up, are needed on December 12th-13th to help set up for the event as well as during the event on the 14th to help with greeting, check-in, and shopping with the families. Join us in helping make this event a success.

Click here to sign up to help. For more information about the Lift Up Sarpy County Holiday Assistance Program, contact the program coordinator, Amanda Parker.

Open Door Mission
Serve Christmas Brunch & Dinner
Volunteer Opportunities

Make a difference this holiday season by giving back to your neediest neighbors. Opportunities include feeding the hungry on Christmas day, helping empower parents with gifts on Christmas, and so much more.
Click here for Serve Opportunities

Questions about any events or serving opportunities, contact the Church Office.