Healing House Network Minister
Dawn Dramse
MannaHale Ministries
Wayne, NE

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Dawn Dramse (402) 630-0554

My heart is to share what God has done in my own journey with Him as I have walked the “road of cleansing and freedom.” For many years, prior to my experience with Restoring the Foundations (RTF) integrated approach, my heart’s desire was to counsel youth and their families as well as the next generation of leaders in this millennial generation. However, after beginning my own transformation, God has show me His Spirit is the Great Counselor and I am able to be a minister of His Spirit through RTF and bring that to youth, families, and the millennial generation.

Connection to Restoring the Foundations
I have come out of a past riddled with bondage in the occult, shame of abuse, sexual issues, frigidity, hopelessness, disillusionment, and plan ole hurt. I didn’t know who I was, let alone understand who God was for me. It was after the awakening of God’s Spirit in me as a leader on a youth trip that I began to see God was indeed supernatural. After RTF ministry for myself, I began to hear His voice more clearly and my heart softened to the call He had on my life to be a healer and restorer of His Body. It was for freedom Christ set us free, and freedom is what my heart desires to share with the body of Christ.

Ministry Distinctives
I love meeting God’s Kids right where they are and helping them discover their God-given identity and purpose. This includes any of God’s Kids, newly-saved or long-time Kingdom partners, young or old, single, or married. I believe the principles of RTF are a grid for living as a follower of Christ and a member of God’s family. I partner with different ministers in the region depending on the needs of the ministry receiver.