Weekly Lenten Services
March 12th - April 9th
6:30pm Wednesdays | Worship Center
Nursery Available


We have a history of giving all of our offering from Lent services to an organization in the community. This year all offering received on Wednesday nights will go to two of our amazing partner organizations, Lift Up Sarpy and Bellevue Together. To contribute, click here.

What is Lent?

Lenten Bible Reading Plan

“40 Days to Repent, Refocus, and Respond”. This devotional leads you through 40 days of reflecting on Jesus’ last words to His disciples, as captured in the book of John. Each day has a Scripture, reflection questions, a prayer, and extra verses for reference. Additional reading plans for Lent are available on the YouVersion Bible App.


April 13th | Palm Sunday
Regular Worship Schedule

April 17th | Maundy Thursday
6:30pm | Worship Center
Nursery Available

April 18th | Good Friday
6:30 & 8:00pm | Worship Center
Nursery Available at 6:30pm

April 20th | EASTER SUNDAY

— Thanksgiving Worship Center —
7:00am Sunrise | Worship Center
9:00am Contemporary | Worship Center
11:00am Contemporary | Worship Center

— Beardmore Event Center —

10:00am Traditional | Beardmore Event Center

Olde Towne Easter Eggstravaganza

Saturday, April 12th | 11:00am-1:00pm

The Light House is EGG-Cited about the Olde Towne Easter Eggstravaganza coming up on Saturday, April 12th in Olde Towne Bellevue.

This will be a fun event for the community and many hands are needed to make it successful. Here are ways that you can be a part of the fun:

  • Volunteer to Help - There are many opportunities available to get involved before, during, and after the event. Sign-ups coming soon!

  • Stuff Easter Eggs - Grab a box or bag of empty eggs from the Church Lobby beginning March 16th and return them filled with candy by Sunday, April 6th. If you’d rather just provide the candy, bring individually wrapped candy to the bins at the top of each stairwell starting March 8th.

  • Bring a Friend - Ask God who He wants you to invite. Even if it's an adult, just come and join in the fun!