Explorers inspires children and families to love Jesus, build foundational relationships, and help them become a positive influence on the world around them.


Explorers Sunday Mornings
10:30am | Explorers Lower Level
Register Here

Weekly on Wednesday | Club 56
6:30pm | Explorers Lower Level

Sunday, January 12th | 4th Grade Faith Milestone
12:00-1:30pm | Details & Registration

Explorers Faith Milestones

Explorers Faith Milestones bring families together for a one-time class to learn about God’s presence through the various stages of our children’s lives. Milestone classes and presentations are attended by children and their parents/significant adults. 
Faith Milestones for each grade will be held on the dates below with lunch/dinner provided.

Each grade learns about a different foundation to living out their faith: 

Milestone classes and presentations are attended by children and their parents/significant adults.
Lunch/Dinner will be provided at all classes, siblings are welcome. Please register the child attending the milestone and answer the appropriate registration question with number of parent/sibling guests attending for meal planning purposes.

Explorers on Sunday morning is for Pre-K to 4th grade at 10:30am. To join us, your first stop will be the Explorers Welcome Area in the Lower Level. If you have participated in Explorers or VBS, you are already registered and you can check your child in at one of our kiosks in the Welcome Area. The Welcome Team will direct you to the location to drop off and pick up your child.

Please note that 5th and 6th Graders will also be in the Explorers Lower Level. This ministry is called, “Club 56”. Details about Club 56 are below.

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Club 56 is 5th and 6th grade students. They meet weekly on Sunday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesday nights, 6:30-7:30pm. Club 56 will be in Explorers Lower Level Area in Room 101. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Esther Siegen


We have a well-staffed nursery for children birth to age three, available during all services. When you approach the church, you will see an external sign that says, “Nursery”, please enter through this door for the easiest access to the nursery. For specific questions or concerns, please contact Kristi Waszak.