“All-In”: Growth
Choosing Growth is making a choice to have your inner life transformed through:
Holy Spirit initiated awakenings (Kairos Moments)
Willingness to have your mind and heart renewed to become more like Jesus
Engaging routinely in spiritual practices such as worship, reading scripture and prayer that produces a heart transformation
Desiring Journey Coaching
If you choose to be “All-In” on Growing Spiritually, these are some suggested practices and routines that we recommend:
Commit to worshipping weekly
Learn to read Scriptures for both knowledge and inspiration. Discover new Bible reading practices such as Lectio Divina, Lectia 365 App
Journey Coaching
Evaluate how you can improve your prayer life. Do you journal? Would you like to learn more about how to hear God’s voice? Reach out for resources to help you grow in these areas.
Commit to an annual spiritual retreat such as a silent retreat or a conference that is going to challenge you. Information about Silent Retreats can be found HERE.
Be willing to respond to awakenings (Kairos Moments) that God is revealing. Do you have someone to talk those through with? How is God asking you to respond to these promptings?