The Thanksgiving Leadership Academy is an 18-month intentional immersion into leadership development and Christian discipleship for service within the church and community. Students will be trained in Biblical study, spiritual formation, practical ministry, and leadership development.

The Leadership Academy was initiated to address the desire for many within the church to grow more fully into their leadership potential. We believe leadership and discipleship are inextricably tied. We also believe that all persons can lead because leadership is about influence. However, only a limited number of students are chosen each year to participate.

Beginning in September, the program encompasses the four basic pillars of the academy: Spiritual Formations, Biblical Studies, Leadership Development, and Ministry Practicum. Classes are held on Thursdays, attending one session in the afternoon or one session in the evening. At the end of the semester, students are strongly encouraged to have their leadership practicum identified with their instructor, Pastor Glenn Harless, or a pastoral representative from the church staff.

Additional opportunities for students in the Leadership Academy include:

  • Gallup Strengths Coaching Session

  • Doorway to Discovery Silent Retreat

  • Dominican Republic Mission Trip

  • Willow Creek Leadership Summit

  • Within Reach Membership, Omaha Area Metro Pastors

  • Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ, LCMC, National Gathering

  • Issue Focused Ministry (IFM) Session