Healing House Network Minister
Lisa Zaloudek
Bellevue, NE

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Lisa Zaloudek (402) 651-7855

I love butterflies because they remind me how the Lord has transformed my life so dramatically…just like a butterfly!  From a life of striving to do things in my own strength, to a life of freedom, purpose, and joy in the Lord.  My heart’s desire is help others connect with the Lord in a personal way so they too can experience His transforming love and grace and find joy in their unique God-given identity.            

For me it’s been a life long journey.  I grew up knowing about Jesus but did not have a personal relationship with Him, my Heavenly Father, or Holy Spirit.  I knew about God’s grace yet lived trying to perform to earn His favor.  From the outside my life looked pretty successful ….good job, nice home, beautiful children, and involvement in church.  But I had become good at wearing a mask…for inside I carried the shame of past choices, hurts of betrayals, guilt of divorce, depression, and fear that my life was worthless. Yet, I always hungered and searched after something more.  That search eventually lead me to a trip to the Holy Land in 2004 where God’s Word and Spirit came together for me and I met the Lord in a personal way.  Head knowledge became heart knowledge and the butterfly inside began to emerge.    

Connection to Restoring the Foundations
I became connected to Restoring the Foundations in what I can only describe as a series of divine appointments. I was involved in other healing and discipleship ministries and had already received a lot of healing and freedom when I was invited to receive Issue Focus ministry by a dear friend. I agreed, primarily to honor her. I left that session truly amazed by how the Lord brought even deeper healing! When I learned more about the Integrated Approach to Healing, I just knew this was a revelation from the Lord to bring healing and freedom to His children. And I knew I wanted to be part of that! I began ministering as a Restoring the Foundations lay minister within my church family in 2010. Then in 2019, I felt the Lord nudging me to become Healing House Network qualified so I could offer ministry to our mission partners and others around the world, wherever He might lead. What I love about Restoring the Foundations is that it is an equipping ministry that provides practical discipleship tools to live out the healing and freedom that the Lord begins in the ministry room.

Ministry Distinctives
I believe the Lord has given me a special grace to minister to women who have experienced dishonor and been stuck in guilt, shame, and condemnation due to life’s traumas. Traumas from things that have happened that shouldn’t have. But, also from the lack of good things that should have happened but didn’t...leaving heart wounds from neglect and emotional abandonment. It’s my heart’s desire for women to receive the blessings and honor that the Lord has for them as His precious daughters.

Connect with me
I would love to visit with you via phone or Zoom if you’re interested in learning more.  I minister to women with a woman ministry partner.  We would love to come alongside you in a safe welcoming environment that is bathed in prayer.   

 Email:  rtf.lisaz@gmail.com