Join us for a riveting discussion on
the book of John as we look at Jesus
and His life up close and personal.
As a community, we’re going to navigate the writings of Jesus’ best friend John, or as the Scriptures recount, “the one whom Jesus loved.” We’ll look at who Jesus hung out with, what kind of conversations He had, and even how He partied. Yes, in fact, Jesus’ first miracle was done at a party.
Jesus seems to be curious about everyone and therefore most everyone was curious about Him.
If you’ve been looking for space to have an honest conversation about Jesus and His implications for our lives, then join us as we Refocus and discover together that when we meet the true Jesus, we begin the journey of discovering who we are.
John 8 – The Woman Caught in Adultery (03/02/2025) — Watch Message
What does this passage reveal about Jesus’ attitude toward sin and sinners?
How does His response compare to the religious leaders' approach?
Why do you think Jesus responded the way He did when asked about the woman’s punishment?
What might He have been writing on the ground, and why is that detail significant?
What does Jesus’ statement, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her,” teach us about judgment and mercy?
How can we apply this principle in our daily lives?
After the accusers leave, Jesus tells the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” How does this balance grace and truth?
What does this teach us about repentance and transformation?
How can we, as a church and as individuals, reflect Jesus' mercy and grace while also upholding His call to holiness?
In what ways do we sometimes act like the Pharisees, and how can we change that?
John 6 – Feeding the Five Thousand (02/23/2025) — Watch Message
Faith and Provision: How does this story demonstrate Jesus' ability to provide for our needs? How can we apply this lesson to our own lives when facing scarcity or uncertainty?
Testing Our Faith: In John 6:5-6, Jesus asks Philip where they can buy bread, even though He already knew what He was going to do. Why do you think Jesus tested Philip in this way? How does God test our faith today?
The Role of the Boy: The boy in the story offered his small lunch of five loaves and two fish. What can we learn from his willingness to give what little he had? How does this challenge us to be generous with our own resources?
Jesus as the Bread of Life: Later in John 6, Jesus declares that He is the "Bread of Life." How does the feeding of the five thousand foreshadow Jesus’ deeper teaching about spiritual nourishment?
Recognizing Jesus for Who He Is: After the miracle, the crowd wanted to make Jesus king by force (John 6:15), but Jesus withdrew. What does this tell us about the difference between what people expect from Jesus and what He actually came to do? How do we sometimes misunderstand His mission in our own lives?
John 5 – Healing the Man at the Pool (02/16/2025) — Watch Message
Jesus saw a man who had been lame or paralyzed for 38 years. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well, the man answered, “I can’t sir, for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me.” How do you think the man may have been feeling after all those years?
Jesus said to the man, “’Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!’ Instantly, the man was healed! He rolled up his sleeping mat and began walking!” What do you think was going through the man’s mind and heart at that moment?
But suddenly, religious leaders were scolding the man, telling him that he was breaking the Sabbath rules by carrying his mat – in their minds a crime punishable by death. How do you think the man was thinking or feeling then?
The religious leaders were legalists. What are the characteristics of legalism, and why is it an enemy of the Gospel and the Christian Church?
What is the goal of a legalist?
Have you ever known a legalist, and how did that person make you feel?
What insights did you take away from how Jesus handled the religious leaders and their legalistic attitudes?
John 4 – The Woman at the Well (02/09/2025) — Watch Message
Jesus intentionally sought out the woman at the well, even though others may have ignored or avoided her. How does this show His heart for those who feel rejected or unworthy? Have you ever felt like an outsider in your faith journey?
The woman came to the well searching for water, but Jesus offered her "living water" instead. What do you think Jesus meant by that? How does His offer of spiritual renewal bring hope to those who feel drained or spiritually empty?
Jesus gently confronted the woman’s past, not to shame her, but to lead her toward freedom and transformation. How does this encourage us when we struggle with guilt, shame, or past mistakes?
The woman’s encounter with Jesus changed her so much that she ran to tell others about Him. How can experiencing Jesus’ grace and forgiveness motivate us to share our faith with those who might feel distant from God?
Jesus declared that true worship isn’t about a place or a ritual but about worshiping in spirit and truth. How does this challenge the way we sometimes approach faith and religion? What does it mean for us personally to worship in spirit and truth?
John 3 – Nicodemus (02/02/2025) — Watch Message
What does being "born again" mean in this passage, and how did Nicodemus initially misunderstand it?
Discuss how Nicodemus' literal interpretation contrasts with Jesus' spiritual explanation. What does it mean to be born "of water and the Spirit"?
Why do you think Jesus emphasized the need for spiritual rebirth to someone like Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee and religious leader?
Explore how Jesus challenges Nicodemus' reliance on religious knowledge and practices in favor of personal spiritual transformation.
In verse 14, Jesus refers to Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness. How does this Old Testament reference connect to Jesus’ mission? Discuss the symbolism of the serpent being lifted up and how it foreshadows Jesus being lifted up on the cross.
John 3:16 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. How does this verse summarize the message of the Gospel, and why is it significant in the context of this conversation?
Reflect on the relationship between God's love, Jesus' sacrifice, and the promise of eternal life.
How does Jesus contrast light and darkness in verses 19-21, and what does this reveal about people's response to Him?
Discuss why some people reject the light while others embrace it. How does this tension play out in our lives today?
John 2 – Water into Wine (01/26/2025) — Watch Message
What does the miracle of turning water into wine reveal about Jesus' identity and mission? How does this first recorded miracle set the tone for His ministry?
How does Mary’s interaction with Jesus in this passage illustrate her understanding of His power and role? What can we learn from her instructions to the servants?
The servants obey Jesus’ instructions without knowing the outcome. What does this teach us about faith and obedience, even when we don't fully understand God’s plans?
What might the transformation of water into wine symbolize in the context of Jesus' ministry and the broader themes of the Gospel of John?
Verse 11 mentions that this miracle revealed Jesus’ glory, leading His disciples to believe in Him. How did this event strengthen their faith, and what does this suggest about the role of signs and miracles in fostering belief?
John 1 – Introduction (01/19/2025) — Watch Message
What does it mean for Jesus to be called "the Word" in John 1, and how can we apply this understanding in our daily lives?
John 1:4 says, "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." How can we reflect this light in our communities?
John 1:12 mentions that those who receive Jesus are given the right to become children of God. What steps can we take to live out our identity as children of God?
The passage talks about Jesus being full of grace and truth (John 1:14). How can we balance grace and truth in our interactions with others?
John 1 emphasizes that Jesus came into the world, but many did not recognize or accept Him (John 1:10-11). How can we help others recognize and accept Jesus today?
Resource: Journey Coaching
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