The author of Hebrews writes these powerful words, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful, Hebrews 10:23.” We are embarking on a series entitled “Something Better: Loving Unconditionally When We Disagree Politically.” In a world where political divisions seem insurmountable, our faith in Christ calls us to love, hope, and humility. This message series invites us to explore the transforming power of unconditional love in the face of political disagreements. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, we’ll learn how to navigate the treacherous waters of politics by extending grace and empathy. With a Biblical perspective, we will learn to bridge divides, embody Jesus’s love, and create a community where love triumphs over discord. Join us for the next three weeks as we embark on a journey that will not only allow us to survive this political season but will catalyze ourselves and our community into growing into our God given destinies.
Something Better: Series Introduction Video
by Pastor David Witkop
Something Better: 30 Day Prayer Guide
As the 2024 elections draw near and the political environment heats up, we want to get in tune with what God is doing. Let’s ask God to help our faith become our primary lens for viewing the events and interactions of the season.
Use this 30-day Prayer Guide to help keep our hearts fixed on something better and approach the election season with grace, hope, and humility.
Part 3 | Loving Unconditionally When We Disagree Politically
Watch Message
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Part 2 | Loving Unconditionally When We Disagree Politically
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Series Resources
“The Good of Politics” by James Skillen
“Political Visions and Illusions” by David Koyzis
“The Drama of Scripture” by Michael Goheen
Pastor and Author Andy Stanley
“Love Your Enemies” by Arthur C. Brooks
“The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory” by Tim Alberta
“The After Party” by Curtis Chang and Nancy French
“The Party Crasher” by Joshua Ryan Butler
“Exiles” by Preston Sprinkle
“The Space Between Us” by Sarah Bauer Anderson
Video Series: “The After Party” by Redeeming Babel
Video Series: “Thriving in Babylon” by Larry Osborne