Welcome to our current Message Series “The Gospel of Mark: The Upside-Down Kingdom.” The book of Mark centers on the life, teaching, and actions of Jesus. Here you will find a weekly set of questions to consider and discuss as we journey together through the book of Mark. We encourage you to invite someone to Worship and journey through the series with you.
““The time has come,” he said.
“The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!””
Week 13 - Beautiful Empty
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 11:1-1
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
If Jesus asked you "What do you want me to do for you?" —What would you answer?
The people who welcomed Jesus at the Triumphal entry into Jerusalem didn't fully understand what Jesus had come to do. What do you think they were celebrating?
In what ways was the Israel of Jesus' day "fruitless"? What did the curse of the fig tree teach the disciples about God's desire for Israel?
Jesus asks the disciples to pray about everything but before "asking for requests" He recommends we pray for forgiveness first. Why does Jesus point us to "forgiveness first" during such an emotional time of ups and downs for Him as comes back into Jerusalem.
Bonus question:
Read aloud the Parable in Mark 12:1-9. If the son represented Jesus and the tenants represented the religious leaders, what was the inheritance they hoped to steal from Him?
Week 12 - No Fear in Life and Death
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 13:1-8, 32-37
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
If you had to leave the earth tomorrow, what two things would you miss the most?
Have you ever been caught up in the apocalyptic predictions about the end of time?
What is the most exciting thing about the Second Coming to you? The most distressing?
What question would you like to ask Jesus about the end times?
Why do you think people spend so much time trying to pinpoint the last day when Jesus says that not even He, Himself, knows?
Week 11 - Earthly Relationships
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 10:1-12
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Where are you currently seeking deep relational intimacy?
What could God be asking you to leave behind to grow a deeper intimacy?
What personal desires keep you isolated or separated from the healthy relationships that God desires for you
Does your marriage reflect God's desire to set you apart to be seen as evidence of God's love in our world today? In what ways do you think God wants you to grow closer together for Him?
Do you think approaching your most important relationships with a childlike faith would help you see more of God in your faith journey? Why or Why not?
If you are interested in taking a next step in your marriage, we will be offering re|engage this Fall, click here for more information.
Week 10 - True Greatness
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 10:35-44
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Have you ever felt like you’re a second rate Christian becasue someone knows more answers than you like the story of Peter at Caesarea Philippi?
Have you ever felt excluded at church or at a community like the way the Disciples may have felt when Peter, James, and John went with Jesus on the mountain during the transfiguration?
What do you think Jesus meant when He said you have to “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me?”
What did Jesus mean when He said “In order to be great in the kingdom, you have to be willing to be last and servant of all.”?
What is the Good News in the power of the Gospel and teaching on the Upside Down Kingdom and Mark chapters 8-10?
Week 9 - Faith is for All
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 7:24-30
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
What is a kairos from the Pastor Masri's message this weekend?
How did he explain Jesus' words to the woman who was seeking healing for her daughter in chapter 7:27?
According to Pastor Masri, what is unique about Jesus compared to other religious leaders, especially with regard to our enemies?
Share one thing you learned about the Muslim faith this past weekend.
Pastor Masri asked us to pray about "one" person we can reach out to with the love of Jesus. Share where you are in responding to that question.
Week 8 - From the Inside-Out
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 7:1-8, 21-23
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
If you grew up in a church setting, or in any religious setting, what were the rules that were important?
Did you understand why the rules were important?
What rules in the world of faith/church seem to be ignored or counted as less important?
Jesus reminded us in Mark 12 that the ultimate question we have to always ask ourselves is, what does love require?
How is God calling you to apply this in your life right now?Are you most important connections with others based primarily on rules or a relational aspect? Or are they in balance with one another?
Week 7 - Facing the Storm
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 6:45-53
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Mark shares a powerful picture (Mark 6:46-51) that when we face storms in our lives that Jesus prays for us, sees us, comes to us, speaks to us, and even gets in the boat with us. When facing storms in your life which of these actions by Jesus are most important to you? Which is the hardest to believe?
What worldly expectations tempt you the most to think that you know what Jesus needs to do for you? Do you think these expectations distract the mission or purpose He has planned for you, why or why not?
When you reflect on your personal faith journey, what do you think God may be preparing you for on the other side? What is the hardest thing for you to "stay in the boat?" Have you shared that hard thing with Jesus, why or why not?
Share Your Story
Reflecting on your past, can you remember a storm that you experienced in life that you now clearly see that Jesus led you to the "other side" giving you hope knowing that He was actually leading you somewhere better?
Share a story from your own experience. When we share our stories revealing God's presence and miracles in our lives it gives hope and encouragement to others to “stay in the boat”.
Week 6 - Healing Power
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 5:24b-34
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
What impressions do you have of the sick woman in v. 25 and 26?
How much courage do you think it took for her to touch Jesus?
Why do you think Jesus makes the sick woman reveal herself?
Of the people in the story, whom are you most like?
What people have had the greatest healing influence in your life?
We want to pray for you! Click below to submit your prayers to our Prayer Wall.
Week 5 - Soul Management
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 4:1-9
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Briefly describe the four unique soils that Jesus references in Mark 4.
Are you able to identify with one soil in the season of life you are in right now?
If the constants in the story are the sower (God) and the seed (the Word of God), then what is one key to keeping the soil of our hearts receptive?
The harvest from the good soil is abundance. What does abundance look like in God's Upside Down kingdom?
John 10:10
Week 4 - God’s Family
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 3:13-35
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Can you remember a time when you felt misunderstood by someone you love? How did you react? Do you still have a relationship with them?
Mark seems to always be frustrated with the “crowds” leading to a very judgmental posture towards them. Is there an individual or group of people that you always seem to be frustrated with leading you to a very judgmental posture?
To think that God’s Family is not grown by genetics and blood lines, but instead on purpose and mission; how does that change your perspective of being a part of His Church?
In what way(s) is God nudging you to be more engaged in His family?
How do you think Jesus would invite someone into “God’s family” today?
Journey Coaching is an opportunity to discover your unique talents through our 90-minute coaching session
Week 3 - Working and Resting
This week’s Scripture reading: Mark 2:18-28
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
How often do you feel overwhelmed and exhausted?
According to the message, what are the important aspects of a Sabbath?
If there was one area that you feel pulled in the direction of the culture in an anti-sabbath direction, what would it be? Examples: time management, money management, efficiency, to-do lists, etc.
What is one practical way that I can begin incorporating the Sabbath into my daily routine?
I will commit to downloading the Lectio 365 App to my phone, or some other devotional, and try it for 30 days.
For information about Silent Retreats, Click Here.
Week 2 - Hearing God’s Voice
This week’s scripture reading: Mark 1:14-20
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
Do you believe God speaks to people today?
Do you think it’s possible for people to discern the voice of God?
How do you know if God is speaking to you?
Week 1 - Introduction and Overview
This week’s scripture reading: Mark 1:1-13
Questions to consider from this week’s message:
What is the power of the Gospel?
How is the power of the Gospel different than other powers at work in our world?
How would the world look differently if we truly embrace the Upside-Down Kingdom?
Five kinds of power were highlighted that Jesus revealed, share how you have personally experienced the gospel in your own life.
The five kinds of “power and authority” include: to teach, over sickness, over nature, over death, over sin