Turn The Page: Living An Extraordinary Story
Introduction to Acts
Preaching Text: Acts 1:1-11 (NIV)
Additional Reading:
Additional Questions:
Acts 1:3 states, "He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. " The remainder of the Book of Acts shows us the disciples were empowered to fully live for the Kingdom of God. Think about all of the questions that were likely answered during this time period. We often say things like, "I have lots of questions when I get to Heaven..." As we enter into this study of Acts, take note what is the power behind the disciple's movement. Is it knowledge? Is it truth? Is it spiritual? A combination of all three? Spend the next week praying for God to reveal Truth to you as we read the Book of Acts. Knowledge alone will not sustain or create a vibrant faith life. Pray for God to push your boundaries of who He is and what He can do through ordinary people.
Read Luke 24. Note the ways that Jesus opened the disciples' minds and hearts to a new understanding of who God is and who he is.