Turn The Page: Living An Extraordinary Story
Week 15
Preaching Text: Acts 20:22-25, 23:11 (NIV)
Additional Reading: Acts 21 (NIV)
Sermon Link
Additional Questions:
In verse, 22, Paul states the following, "And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there." Throughout the book of Acts, we see this rhythm of disciples being "compelled" to do something by the Holy Spirit. Normally what they are compelled to do goes against logic, their own personal safety and belief system. Yet, they trust that the Spirit is guiding them and so they act. This requires trust of both the leading of the Holy Spirit (trusting that it will lead you into God's good and perfect will) and trust of yourself that you are hearing from the Holy Spirit. QUESTIONS to process in prayer:
Do you trust the leading of the Holy Spirit? Where can you grow in this area? If you do not understand what this means, reach out to us by replying to this email and we can set an appointment to help with this.
Do you trust that you hear God's will? Or do you believe that this is something that others can experience but for some reason you cannot? If so, find someone to process your revelation of this with. You can also reply to this email and we would be happy to meet with you about this question as well.
Read Acts 20-23. Take note of places you see this rhythm of being compelled to act and acting--what do you notice? What can you learn for your own faith journey.