An Extraordinary Story: Through the Eyes of Luke
Week Twelve
Preaching Text: Luke 19:28-44 (NLT)
Additional Reading: Luke 19:1-27 (NIV)
Additional Questions:
Prior to the Pandemic of 2020, it was hard to imagine how the crowd who was worshiping Jesus could just days later yell, “Crucify Him”. The pandemic has shown us that “the crowd” can turn on a dime. Spend time this week asking God to show you any ways that you worship Him as “the crowd” did Jesus. In what ways do your emotions impact your praise of God?
“The Crowd” was easily manipulated because their understanding of God and His Ways was based on their cultural narrative of God - thereby it was incomplete and easily swayed. This type of faith is “consumeristic” - meaning to engage at a low-level and to get what you want out of it versus pressing in with time, thought, and energy to develop your own understanding of God. As you contemplate the events throughout Holy Week, ponder with the Lord any ways that your approach to faith is consumerism. ‘Repent’ and ‘Believe’ that He can equip you to have a deeper, more engaged faith walk.