An Extraordinary Story: Through the Eyes of Luke

Week Five

Preaching Text: Luke 7:1-10 (NIV)

Additional Reading: Luke 7:11-50 (NIV)

Sermon Link
Thrive Night

Additional Questions:

How does the Centurion’s response to Jesus in verses 6-8 challenge you in your understanding of non-believers?

Up to this point in Luke, Jesus has done a lot of healing and not as much preaching. Why do you think Jesus spent much of the beginning of his ministry healing?

The Centurion knew of Jesus’ healing and had complete faith that he could do it and would do it. Do you have complete confidence in who you know Jesus is? What are some aspects of who he is that you do not have faith in? Spend some time contemplating this in prayer time. Write down what you observe and hear in your spirit.